Echos of the Heart
Creative Meditations for the Developing Soul
4/26/2020 1 Comment Claiming Your Life StoryOne night I had a dream that I had a wound at the base of my spine. So, I went to the doctor. After he had cleaned up the wound, he suggested that I got a tattoo placed over it (similar to the black patterned tattoo on the girl in this drawing). He told me that I would be "making the scar beautiful.” When I awoke from the dream, I prayed to God about the meaning. He told me that He was the doctor cleaning out my wounds & then He would transform my scars into something magnificently beautiful. In that moment, God granted me permission to not have shame for the wounds that I have experienced.
In the midst of our sufferings, oftentimes we ask ourselves questions like, “What was the purpose of that? Why did I allow myself to go through that? I thought I ‘knew better?’” But, these thoughts deny us permission to claim our story (the good & the bad) as a part of our own story of transformation. There is a beauty in taking ownership of where we have been, in order to allow ourselves to decide, from here on out, where we want to fly. Sometimes, out of shame, we want to abandon or ignore aspects of our story, because they hurt. But in reality, it was those hurts that created new understanding & wisdom to make your wings stronger to fly high—high above any of those conditions you’ve been in before. Suffering brings about self transformation. As we age, we become more filled with knowledge of the world, but never less worthy of what the world has to offer us. With the help of a loving God, we have the ability to choose a life of healing, beauty & reaching the high heights of heavenly abundance. God can show us the way. Claim who you HAVE been & create a vision for where you want to go. I hope & pray that where you are flying will ALWAYS be greater heights, greater legacy, an “up & up.” From transformation to transformation. Any new sufferings will not end us. We will be like an animal that sheds it’s old skin, in order to make room for a new, beautiful layer. The world needs your story of transformation. You are becoming stronger to fly!
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September 2022
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